Using our own custom HSM chip, we design and build fully customized solutions (fully assembled end-user products/PCBs), including the software interfaces (API and documentation) for any kind of encrypted data transfer. We create custom designs for diverse areas of operation, wherever the highest level of security and privacy is needed: e.g. for IoT, mission critical or drone applications etc.
Asymmetric: Elliptic Curve25519 (ECDH),
Ed25519 (signature and verification)
Hashing: Skein, SHA3-512 (Keccak) and SHA512
All functions are embedded and running in our custom FPGA chip inside Skudo products (without OS, bare-metal)
True Random Number Generator (TRNG): FIGARO
Double SPI ports (users+admin), UART and I2C
About Skudo
We envision a world where all digital communications are safe and private. We are dedicated to creating innovative best-in-class hardware solutions that protect data exchange with the highest level of security and privacy.