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The European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) coordinates an annual event where the most promising emerging cybersecurity technology companies and industry subject matter experts (SMEs) are selected to present their ideas, companies, and technologies to a group of interested investors.

The objective of this event is best summarized by ECSO’s own description,

ECSO cybersecurity business matchmaking events – also known as the ECSO Cyber Investor Days – aim to increase the market visibility of the European cybersecurity companies and thus foster the consolidation of the European cybersecurity market. The initiative has been designed to cover different investment phases – ranging from seeding to strategic investment, to M&A – and to provide market access support

Skudo applied, and our CEO, Stefano Alberico, was selected to present the Skudo vision for robust, end-to-end, hardware-based encryption, wholly designed, manufactured, and assembled in Europe. He was able to share the Skudo value prop to provide the best level of data security available to organizations and processes.

This invitation provided an excellent opportunity for Mr. Alberico to interact with investors and explain what Skudo is all about; what we do, our value proposition, use cases for our technology, market opportunity, and why Skudo is seeking investors.

The Skudo value proposition is both simple and unique, and one that promises to provide the best end-to-end encryption solution to users outside military and governmental agencies. Skudo delivers a solution that is:

  • Entirely European in design, coding, manufacture, assembly
  • “No back door” guiding philosophy and manufacturing process for unparalleled safety
  • Hardware-based for true random number encryption key generation
  • Highly adaptable and flexible architecture to accommodate user requirements

The event proved to be a great success with more than 20 companies selected to participate out of a record number of applications and more than 150 business-to-business meetings between these participants and interested investors.

Skudo is proud to have been selected and allowed to present its message and begin developing opportunities for growth. Catch up with more about our technology, use cases, and vision here.

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About Skudo

We envision a world where all digital communications are safe and private. We are dedicated to creating innovative best-in-class hardware solutions that protect data exchange with the highest level of security and privacy.